Diamond Standard
Virtual Assistance
Overwhelmed by your workload?
Unable to focus on important tasks or projects because you're bogged down by routine administrative tasks?
Spending a lot of time on repetitive tasks like data entry, email sorting, or social media posting?
Missing deadlines and new opportunities?
Spending more time on administrative tasks than on activities that align with your expertise and goals?
Looking to scale your business but find that your current workload is hindering your ability to do so?
Finding it difficult to disconnect from work and enjoy the life you've worked so hard to build?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, explore our services.
Our Mission
At Diamond Standard Virtual Assistance, we give business owners the chance to do what they dream about instead of being bogged down in what they have to do.
We provide administrative, community management, and consulting services to creatives and solopreneurs who need VVS quality assistance without the hassle of hiring full-time staff.
Dazzling Testimonials
Email Inbox Management
"Britney has a way with words, and is thoughtful in her correspondences."
Committed to Excellence
"Britney is tenacious at making sure every task is completed to the client's satisfaction. She is committed to excellence, and won't stop until the job is done well. She will leave your business better than she found it."
Community Management
"Britney continues to advance our community's growth by building invaluable relationships internally and within our community."
"Britney has made such an impact on our community; we definitely need her!"
“Britney was soooo incredibly supportive and influential on this entire [experience] for me. She helped me to push myself and be honest with myself throughout the [experience] for my growth.“
Event Curation Strategy
“I was so impressed with the experience design, the thoughtfulness, and the incredible effort that went into making this a seamless experience.”